Congratulations! You’ve signed on to lead a LifeGroup and you’re probably wondering, “What do I do now?” J It’s OK to be a little nervous. With God’s help and a little preparation on your end, God will use you in your role as leader of your group. As you prepare for your first meeting, here are 5 tips to keep in mind.
1. Relax and be yourself. You’re not perfect, and that’s OK! It’s OK that you don’t have the Bible memorized cover to cover. It’s OK that you’re not going to know all the answers to the questions your group members ask. As you lead your group, remember that what your group members need most from you is the real you. Be yourself. Be open about your life, your desire to follow Jesus and how you fall short sometimes. The best gift you can bring to your group members is a real and authentic you.
2. Trust that God is in control. God knows each and every person who will come to your group. He knows them, loves them, and He is working out His perfect plan in their life, and in yours. Jesus said, “… Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29. As you trust God, He will guide show you how to lead your group.
3. Review the study. A few days before your group meets, have a look at the study your group will be doing together. Watch the video, read the Scriptures and think about the questions. Allow God to speak to your heart about the content. Allow the theme of the study to percolate in your heart. Ask God to give you insights. Your passion for the theme of the study can inspire your group members. Allow them to see how you are seeking God as you study together.
4. Be flexible. Having a plan for your group meeting is strategic, but so is being open to changing the plan! The most important part of your time together in group is not getting through the study, but what God is doing in your group members’ lives. Sometimes you’ll find it best to spend your group study on just one or two questions. Other times you may find it best to skip the study altogether so you can focus on a challenge a group member is experiencing or a life event you want to celebrate together. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you heart to be flexible to His lead.
5. Pray for your group members and meeting. As a group leader, the most important thing, the most effective thing you can do for your group is to pray. Pray for your group members by name. Ask God to work in their hearts and grow them in Him. Pray for your group meetings. Ask God to guide your group time together. (Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 1:9, Ephesians 1:15-19)