Welcome to our study, “No Other King.” When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey the crowds who greeted him were looking for a king. They had expectations of what kind of king he would be. Many people that day hoped Jesus would be a warrior king, one who would conquer their Roman oppressors and set them free. But Jesus was a different kind of king. The palm branch waving crowd that day were blinded by their expectations of the Messiah. The same can happen for us. Our hopes for who Jesus will be in our lives can easily be distorted by our expectations of him. What kind of king is Jesus to you? Is your view of him accurate? Allow today’s study to sharpen your focus on Jesus, our king who came to give his life on the cross for you.
Palm Sunday
No Other King
LifeGroup Lesson Week 1 – Participant Study Notes
LifeGroup Lesson Week 1 – Leader Study Notes
LifeGroup Lesson Week 1 – Powerpoint Slides